Corporate News
Earth Day Unveiling of Scholastic’s First Ever “Kids’ Environmental Report Card”
Kids Give an “F” to Adults’ Response to Global Climate Change; Of all Environmental Issues, 54% Say It’s Most Important
Scholastic Names Dr. Clayton Wilcox Vice President, Education and Corporate Relations
New York, NY — April 17, 2008 — Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education and media company, today announced that Dr. Clayton Wilcox, Superintendent of Schools in Pinellas County, Florida since 2004, will join the company as Vice President, Education and Corporate Relations. Dr. Wilcox is a respected educator with almost 30 years experience in the classroom, as a principal and as leader of large public school districts.
Scholastic Awards Writing and Art Scholarships to Talented Teens
Twelve Young Writers and Artists Named Best in the Country
New York, NY (April 8, 2008) -- Who are the most talented young writers and artists in America? The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, a national program that identifies and develops creative teenagers, today announced the 2008 recipients of the prestigious Awards, including twelve high school seniors honored with the highest level of achievement, the Portfolio Gold Award. The twelve recipients (listed below) will each receive a $10,000 cash award and special recognition.
Read 180 Turns Struggling Readers Into All-Stars
Scholastic Recognizes Nine READ 180® All-Star Award Recipients for Learning to Read, Staying in School and Improving Academic Performance
Education Business News Site Launched By QED and The Heller Reports
Leading Education Business e-Newsletters from The Heller Reports Gain Web Home Called “B2E News Alert”
New Orleans Recovery School District and Scholastic Announce Superintendent’s Reading Challenge
Children across Recovery School District to Read at School and at Home and Earn Rewards and Prizes for Hard Work and Good Reading
100-book Custom Scholastic Classroom Libraries Placed in 620 RSD Classrooms
Scholastic Announces Fiscal 2008 Third Quarter Results
Updating Outlook on Solid Performance of Core Businesses
Direct-to-Home Continuities Now Reported as Discontinued Operations
New York – March 27, 2008 – Scholastic Corporation (NASDAQ: SCHL), the global children’s publishing, education and media company, today announced its fiscal 2008 third quarter results.
Purchasing Trends of Teachers Revealed in New Report from Quality Education Data
Purchasing Authority: A Companion to Teacher Buyer Behavior, 2008-2009 Shows Teacher Preferences for Buying Teacher Supplies, Supplemental Materials and Professional Development
Denver, CO (March 11, 2008) — Teachers are the primary decision makers for purchasing supplemental materials, classroom supplies, and professional development resources in American schools, reports a new study from Quality Education Data, Inc. (QED), a leading education market research and database firm, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Scholastic. QED researches teacher purchasing trends each year to collect the most current data on teacher spending in American schools.
Purchasing Authority: A Companion to Teacher Buyer Behavior, 2008-2009, asked educators about their research and purchasing activities when buying materials for their classrooms. The study also asked teachers to report their use of retail stores, teacher stores, print catalogs and online stores for purchase of classroom supplies and materials.
Key findings include:
Teachers Name Scholastic Their Number One Online Retailer According to New Study on Teacher Purchasing Trends
Scholastic Surpasses Competitors as Top Destination for Researching and Purchasing Classroom Supplies, Supplemental Materials and Professional Development
New York, NY (March 10, 2008) — The website for Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education and media company, is the overwhelming choice for teachers researching and purchasing educational materials for their classrooms online, according to Purchasing Authority: A Companion to Teacher Buyer Behavior, 2008-2009, a study released in February by Quality Education Data, Inc. (QED).
The study, which asked a cross-section of K-12 educators about their research and purchasing preferences for educational materials, reported that Scholastic is the top resource for teachers gathering information about and purchasing teacher supplies, supplemental materials and professional development materials online. Key findings from the study include:
Kids Split Over Whether They Want To Be President, Says Scholastic News® Election Poll
More Kids Say “Yes” to Presidency in 2008 than in 2004;
More Boys Say “Yes” Than Girls
New York, NY (February 15, 2008) — Would you want to be President of the United States? According to a recent election year poll by Scholastic News®, America’s leading news source for kids, most kids would pass on a job in the Oval Office, especially girls. More than 30,000 students in first through eighth grades from across the country took part in the poll: